Relishing change -
building adaptability, resilience and enthusiasm for a changing world

Signs of Spring v. Bleakness

January 26, 2015 @ 5:00 pm

Today you may notice there are just the first signs of spring appearing. The snowdrops have been blooming in my garden for a couple of weeks; the catkins are beginning to show and the shoots of daffodils and hyacinths are coming. image

However this time of year is also associated with bleakness and a reality check about whether your life is where you want it to be. The return to work after the Christmas /New Year break is often associated with an increase of divorce applications or concern about mounting debts or just a realisation that another year without the changes you wished for has taken place.

Whichever viewpoint you subscribe to, and in reality it could be a bit of both; joining in a group to take action is a good way of doing something differently and thereby beginning a process of change.

Standing on the side lines at a football match a friend wondered aloud whether she should make it her new year resolution to aspire to running the line, this would keep her warmer than spectating but does have the drawback of requiring better knowledge of the rules.

What aspirations do you secretly harbour? Every dream has some motivators and some thing slightly scary to be overcome. Renew You is a 1 day course for women to talk over in a safe environment the excitement of making dreams reality and working out how to manage the challenges. This Spring many Renew You trainers are offering workshops to mark International Women’s Day and Mothering Sunday. Mine is on 16th March and also has the additional treat of a voucher with the Dorchester based House of Health and Beauty. Take a look, it’s a first step to getting the life you want.

Recent Work

My new book Using Supervision in Schools is published. I am very pleased that this collaborative effort with Jo Rowe and colleagues in education settings is now in print and available. Training in supervision is also available through In-Trac Training and Consultancy . Please read on to find out more.

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Delighted that this article, co-authored with a fellow In-Trac Associate, Bridget Rothwell, has just been published. We are keen as trainers to keep a dialogue going between practitioners and academics about how supervision continues to be useful in practice and what supports the conditions to be an effective supervisor. I continue to offer supervision training through In-Trac to supervisors working in children’s services, early years and school settings.

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