Relishing change -
building adaptability, resilience and enthusiasm for a changing world

Renew You 2015

January 5, 2015 @ 6:30 pm

I love the New Year. It’s time to take stock, review my goals and decide in which direction to head. I love the spring time when the promise of new life emerges increasing expectations. I love the autumn and the dedication of another academic year when achievements can begin and learning challenges embraced. You’ve probably got the message by now; I like to reflect on my dreams and aspirations. However they need to lead to actions and a sense of progress, otherwise it’s a demoralising prospect. For me the secret is small, manageable steps, which is why having 3 periods during the year to review suits me. There also has to be realism; what is achievable and within my control and what could I achieve with support from others, how likely is it I will get that support? For others they identify a life plan or a 5 year one. We all need to decide a method uniquely suited to each of us.

Whichever is your preference Renew You courses are designed to offer women a safe, women-only space to reflect on their life plan and how they want to use the next year in working towards it, in whatever size steps suits them. In 2015 I am joining with other Renew You trainers to celebrate the period in March, which includes International Women’s Day and Mothering Sunday, offering as many women worldwide as we can reach, the opportunity for a Renew You workshop; a day to re-energise ourself. If you live in Dorset please contact me to book your place. If you are looking elsewhere a list of other venues is available here

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Recent Work

My new book Using Supervision in Schools is published. I am very pleased that this collaborative effort with Jo Rowe and colleagues in education settings is now in print and available. Training in supervision is also available through In-Trac Training and Consultancy . Please read on to find out more.

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Delighted that this article, co-authored with a fellow In-Trac Associate, Bridget Rothwell, has just been published. We are keen as trainers to keep a dialogue going between practitioners and academics about how supervision continues to be useful in practice and what supports the conditions to be an effective supervisor. I continue to offer supervision training through In-Trac to supervisors working in children’s services, early years and school settings.

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